Saturday, March 21, 2015

Alexander Valley Wineries Overview

It will be a great idea to pay a visit to alexander valley wineries to have an idea of how those great wines you see on the shelves at wine shops are produced. The wine production process is not as complicated as you could have imagined. They are made by just humans like you. Some of them may not even be nerds like you and yet, they are able to make excellent wines that   make the world continue to rotate on its axis. All you need to demystify the wine production process is to pay a visit to any of the wineries in Alexander Valley. Believe it or not, you will love the eye-opening visit. It will prove to be one of the best things to happen to you in a long time.

Alexander Valley Wineries
Why must you visit alexander valley wineries? Are there no other great wineries around that can be visited instead? In actual fact, lots of things set these wineries apart from the crowd. They are among the best in the world if the truth must be told. Many of the wines being made around the world are made here. Many of the great wine makers you have heard their names actually reside in this rather quiet neighborhood.  You can be sure of getting top quality from every wine brand made in this part of the world.  Their popularities are not just limited to California; they are well known in every state of the United States and are also well known across the globe.

When you visit the alexander valley wineries, you may be given the rare opportunity to see how the wine is being made. You may be shown around and you may learn about wine making in the process.  It will not be surprising if you decide to make your abode with them in the neighborhood due to the rather natural state of things there. The area is rather quiet and peaceful. It is also welcoming and attractive. Considering the number of brands of wine being made here, one is forced to compare the place to the Garden of Eden. It is a place where you can taste the best of wines the world can ever produce and also a place where you can fellowship with nature in its purity and completeness.

Different wine types are made at the alexander valley wineries. There are some of the wineries producing red wines and there are others making white wine. There is sparkling wine and Rose wine. In fact, many wine types you can mention are made here for everyone interested. The wines are taken through internal quality control to ensure they comply with expected quality before they are released into the market for consumption.  The standard of the control is very reliable and you can be sure every wine-filled bottle leaving the wineries contains top quality wine having global norm. Many of the wineries have their telephone lines listed online and you can contact them via this means. 

Alexander Valley Vineyards

Alexander valley wineries map
Do you have any plan for the future to travel along the Wine Road in Sonoma County, California? You will come by lots of wineries and vineyards that will make you gape in surprise. Alexander valley vineyards should be one of the places you will want to visit when you find yourself here. The vineyards are just spectacular with top grade grapes for wine production. The fruits grown here are transported to the wineries along the road and the fruits are processed into wines. Many of the wines you see on the shelves in your local wine shops are actually made this way and from these vineyards. The drive along the road itself is refreshing and visit any of the wineries will surely make your day a fulfilled one.

The town of Alexander is encircled by up to 3 wine regions and this is exactly what makes alexander valley vineyards imperative. Many of the wine regions actually get their grapes from these vineyards. This makes the vineyards beehive of activities.  The three wine regions being referred to are Anderson Valley, the Russian River Valley, as well as the Dry Creek Valley. Many of the fruits being cultivated here are transported in large quantity to many of the wineries located in these three regions.  The vineyards had been productive for several years now and they are still highly productive with better yield as the years go by. There is also an increase in the expense of the vineyard more than what obtained in times past when it all began.

While visiting alexander valley vineyards, you will not have to worry much about where to lodge or how to feed. There is an adequate supply of cheap motels around and these lodges or hotels also provide breakfast for their lodgers. There are equally loads of restaurants where you can eat out if you need to fill your hungry stomach. Believe it or not, you will love every hour you spend in this part of the world. The streets are not too crowded despite the popularity of the place. At times, you may only meet a couple of people on the street within 5 minutes duration of walking along the road. As a result, you will not just be visiting the great looking wineries and vineyards; you will also have the opportunity to appreciate nature as you move on along the road.

It will be a great idea to walk along the Wine Road when visiting alexander valleyvineyards. But if you prefer to take a ride, you will not have much problem renting a cab for that purpose. If you like, you can also bring your car along. A visit to these vineyards at Alexander Valley will equally give you a commanding view of Highway 128 that runs in a kind of loop around the wineries in. Make sure however that you visit as many of the wineries as possible here. You may even learn one or two things about the processes followed in making those great wines you see at the wine shops.

Friday, February 20, 2015

Basic information on the Alexander Valley wineries

Alexander valley winery
Alexander Valley is among the California’s large wine making districts located in Sonoma County. The colluvial and  alluvial soils make this region a grape farming zone. With over 12,000 acres of grapes, the Alexander Valley is home to many vineyards that supply the wineries with grapes. Very stringent measures are put forward to ensure that only the best quality grapes get their way into the wineries. Some wineries are relatively small and cannot afford to have a vineyard such as those that are family owned. Visiting such wineries requires that an appointment be made prior to the visit, especially if the group is relatively large. In these wineries, there is a variety of activities that take place such as the tours to the vineyards, to the different wineries and the epitome of the visits which is the wine tasting events. Alexander Valley is a wine tasting hub that allows wine lovers to sip various wines brands from different wineries, assess and judge them based on the quality and strength of the aroma and the texture.

Do’s and donuts while in Alexander Valley wineries
 Some wineries are relatively small and cannot accommodate a large group of persons in case of an impromptu visit. They, therefore, call upon these individuals to make an appointment for proper arrangement to be made. Wine tasting is no drinking spree hence; you should emphasize more on the quality and not the quantity. This means that there is no need to visit all the wineries in Alexander Valley in the name of tasting. Even though wines usually contain small amounts of alcohol, after taking it, one should abide by the rules governing the taking of alcohol. Spitting is not forbidden hence if the group deems it fit you can sip and spit some of the wine. The only smell in the room should be that of the wine hence any scented cologne or perfume should not find themselves inside the tasting room.

Activities during your visit to Alexander Valley

Cars are not the preferred mode of transportation when taking a detour of the wineries as some destinations are easily missed out and time wasted trying to reverse in case you lose direction. While in Alexander Valley, ride your bike or rent one through the Geyserville and takes you time to get familiar with the vineyard environment. Take a speed bike or hire a limo and take a detour of all wines located in the town of Healdsburg. Actually the visit to all wineries will not be necessary unless you are on a drinking spree. Wine, like any other alcoholic beverage, should adhere to the stringent alcohol drinking regulation such as that prohibiting the drinking and driving. For a memory that will probably never get erased in your mind, take a wine tour using a horse and travel through the many vines at the 7-mile loop to boutique wineries. One can also travel the wineries via a wine carriage that is usually pulled by two horses. All these are designed to creates a memoir of the best holiday or vacation that you had at Alexander Valley.

Monday, February 16, 2015

Visiting Alexander Valley wineries during your vacation

Alexander Valley Wineries
Together with the Russian River Valley and Dry creek, the Alexander Valley converges into the town of Healdsburg, Sonoma County, the state of California. Unlike other wine yards, Alexander  Valley boast over 12,000 acres of  grapes vineyards hence is larger grape farming region compared to the Creek and the Russian Valley. It’s generally warm weather is ideal for grape farming as it ensures that they ripen faster. Over 30 grapes varieties are grown in this valley. The Alexander Valley has earned the town of the Healdsburg and the Sonoma County as a whole a place on the world map due to its production of high-quality grapes that give the wines natural aroma.

Wine tasting at Alexander Valley wineries
There is a vast difference between wine tasting and drinking. Wine tasting is the judging and assessing the quality of the wine based on its texture and aroma. Common sense of taste and smell is the requisite to wine tasting. Though the experience makes one a good wine taster, learning the basic techniques of wine tasting can make anyone a good taster as well. Some wines are faulty and the causes of these faults range from poor winemaking to use of defective materials. Extended periods of contact between the wine and oxygen make the wine acquire a sherry-like smell. This can be easily deciphered as the color changes to more dark or red for any wine of its age. Wineries use sulphur as some sort of a disinfectant during winery. If a large amount of it is used, a sour taste that makes the wine taste like burnt matches is left. If the fermentation is not well done, the smell of bad eggs is left due to production of hydrogen sulphide. Vinegar taste is due to excess acetic acid.

Best Alexander Valley wineries

You will definitely find some of the California’s best winemakers in the Alexander Valley. The Kendal-Jackson wine centre is not just a taste room as it is located in the most breathtaking scenery that allows one to do some outdoor adventures as they sip their wine. The Chalk Hill Estate is not only a historical site but also a natural beauty. It is probably the first part where grapes were originally grown. When you visit Rosenblum Cellars winery, take your time to visit their off the plaza taste room. This will enable you to compare its wide variety of wines and that from other appellations. Gallo Family Vineyards have their taste place on the square in the town of Healdsburg. On your visit to this winery, you better plan on visiting the vineyard too. Souterrain is one of the urban wineries as the wine depot is located very far from the vineyards. This is purposely for tourist attractions though some landowner's wrangles have contributed to this scenario too. Some of the  other names in the  wine making business include; Jordan vineyard and winery, Hanna Winery Alexander Valley, Alexander Valley vineyards, Sausal Winery, Stryker Sonoma, Murphy-Goode Estate Winery, Clos du Bois, etc.

Saturday, January 31, 2015

Alexander Valley Wineries: The home of world’s tastiest wines

What you think about taking a drive to America’s one of the most historical vineyards for tasting same famous wines of the world? For sure, it will be an amazing experience for you and your family. Alexander valley wineries are located at Highway no 128 in Northern Sonoma County. These wineries are quite close to San Francisco that mean you will have to drive your car only for 75 miles and you will arrive at the location. These wineries were established by Maggie and Harry Wetzel in 1962 and since then it is one of the most famous winery in CA, USA. You can make Healdsburg your accommodation location because thus you can also visit more than 30 other wineries of Sonoma County.

It is the most charming location of Sonoma County:
The wine lovers say that Alexander valley wineries are the best place to visit in Sonoma County because their natural situation place is very beautiful. The wineries of Alexander valley have covered more than 76,900 acres of the land. In such large area you will be glad to know that whole land looks very attractive and beautiful. Approx 15,000 acres of whole land are used to grow premium grapes. If you want to take complete tour of these wineries, you must have a complete day because there many scenic locations to see in these wineries. This whole area was owned by Wetzel family in 1962 and since 1968 they are commercially producing wines of different verity.

Verities of grapes are grown in this winery:
Because a large region of Sonoma County is covered by Alexander valley wineries, they utilize every single portion of acquired land for growing grape. When you take trip of hillsides and then go towards banks of Russian River, you will see many different kinds of grapes. They have enough workers to take care of farming of the grapes. In starting Wetzel family have initiated wine production work at a very small level, but today they have many winegrowers to work in their wineries. They know how to cultivate the land exact according to the need of growing particular verity of the grapes.

What makes this place a perfect vacation location?
Mostly people arrive in Alexander valley wineries during growing season. This is the season, while different type’s grapes are planted and whole land looks green and beautiful. You will experience very cool morning with fog and till the afternoon heat of the atmosphere will reduce whole fog. This is the time, while whole valley shines like new. You will get guide, who will guide you for the tour of whole winery. You can see the production of Cabernet Sauvignon and other types of wines produced at Alexander valley wineries.

 To check that how fresh wine tastes, you can go to the bars established in Alexander valley wineries and take pleasure of beverages prepared in this winery. Every year thousands of people from USA and also from many other countries arrive at these wineries to enjoy their holidays with wines. If you also want, then plan your trip now.

Monday, January 12, 2015

Journey of Alexander valley vineyards

Sonoma County of California offers you many wineries and vineyards to visit and taste delicious wines. Such a location is Alexander valley vineyards, which is situated at Highway 128 in Northern Sonoma County. This is a dream place to visit for them, who love to spend their vacation with delicious wines made at vineyard. This location is just 75 miles away from San Francisco. If you are on a tour of Healdsburg, then you will just need to take ride of 6 miles and you will be at your destination. This vineyard is very beautiful locations filled with wine and dine facilities.
What special you will get at Alexander valley vineyards?
People arrive in Sonoma County to enjoy the trip of wineries. There are many different wineries and vineyards in which you may think that what special is in Alexander valley vineyards. Well, it is the epicenter of whole place. That means if you make Healdsburg your accommodation location, then you can easily get trip of this vineyard. Additionally you will get easy access to three popular wineries of this region, which are Dry Creek Valley, The Russian River Valley and the Anderson Valley. These three are situated around Alexander valley vineyard. If you reside at suggested location, you can probably home for tasting different wines of three different wineries easily.
The story of Alexander valley vineyards:
In 1962, Maggie and Harry Wetzel bought an extensive region of a residence prepared by Cyrus Alexander, which was valley's 19th century namesake. Then, in a provincial group of family ranches, the Wetzel’s resided. They prepared the location, developed plentiful groundwork and reinstated Alexander's real location, and this place has become the main occupation center for them. During 1963, Wetzel family have started growing premium grape and they were the first among all others. In started Wetzel family have businesses grapes and they had prepared wines at very small level. After five long years Wetzel family had started producing wine at commercial level and their first bottle of wine was Alexander Valley Vineyards Cabernet Sauvignon. After that they have established their own brand and today it is famous in whole America.
Present position of Alexander valley vineyard:
In present time Alexander valley vineyard is a popular designation, which known for producing world famous wines. With every passing year, their wines are getting more and more popularity around the whole world. If you are on a tour of Healdsburg, you should not miss the chance of watching this world famous vineyard. After all, you can taste one of the most famous vines of the world. Because this location is among few other famous wineries, so it will be quite exciting experience for you and your family.
Today Alexander valley vineyards are producing 14 different verity’s wines. They have spread their property from banks of Russian River to hillsides. By having such large verity of wines you will simply get amazed at a single location. It is quite amazing that how Wetzel family has started growing grapes and today they are USA’s one of the most famous wine producers.